Dr Enmark

916 922 2151

931 Howe Ave, Sacramento, CA, 95825

Improve the appearance of your smile


Michelle Enmark, DDS offer cosmetic treatments to improve your smile

Are you embarrassed about your smile?

Do you find yourself covering your teeth when you laugh?

Are you shying away from the camera?

Restoring and improving the appearance of your smile has never been easier with Michelle Enmark, DDS’s range of cosmetic dental treatments.

With the advances in today’s dentistry, receiving a beautiful, natural-looking smile has never been easier. With treatments from teeth whitening to six months smiles our team of dentists have you covered.

How to receive the best in cosmetic dentistry

In order to achieve the best results you need to visit a dentist, as only a dentist is qualified to assess the health of your teeth and gums.

By assessing your oral health one of our dentists can determine which treatment is best for you. For example some patients come in requesting teeth whitening because of a few bad teeth. On examination, one of our dentists may find the cause of discoloration is decay.

In this case if the cause is decay you may require either a filling or root canal therapy. If you do require root canal therapy then you may also need a dental crown on the tooth to protect it. At Michelle Enmark, DDS we use porcelain crowns so they blend in seamlessly with the shade and color of your natural teeth.

Whiter teeth: tooth whitening or veneers?

If you do want tooth whitening you have three options: teeth whitening, dental veneers, and dental crowns.

While dental crowns are more often than not used for restorative purposes, they are—more and more—being seen as one of the best ways to improve the appearance of tooth as well as provide it with strength and support.

The most popular cosmetic dental treatment

Tooth whitening is by far the most popular cosmetic treatment available. This treatment can visibly whiten your smile in just one, one hour appointment. Often you’ll notice your teeth will be 8 to 10 shades lighter. And in order to help you maintain the appearance of your smile we will provide you with a touch-up kit. This will help you maintain your whiter smile for up to a year.

When should I have porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are effective for teeth with minor chips, cracks and imperfections. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain bonded to the front of your teeth. The porcelain is color matched to your natural teeth.

Sometimes in order to provide patients with a healthy, natural-looking smile we may recommend teeth whitening with porcelain veneers. The reason being: if you have a few teeth with porcelain veneers and you decide later to have your teeth whitened, it won’t affect your veneers.

So if you want veneers placed but are not happy with your teeth, we would recommend a teeth whitening treatment. That way your porcelain veneers—which are stain resistant—will stay white and then you only need to look after your natural teeth.

If you would like to know more about how Michelle Enmark, DDS can help you, or to book an appointment, please contact us today.

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